Tick Tock: It's Your Guide to the Clock Change

This weekend marks my least favorite time of the year - the dreaded moment when the clocks fall back.
Now, for my lucky friends in place not impacted by this strange ritual, let me break it down for you: come Sunday at 2 am, our clocks will mysteriously wind themselves back to 1 am. What does this mean? Well, on one hand, it makes the sun rise earlier, but on the other hand, it also means it starts setting alarmingly early.
In about a month or so, we'll be plunged into darkness by the time we are done with work. Yes, the early risers may cheer, but for night owls like myself, this is not exactly a cause for celebration. And for me personally, I didn't grow up with this clock magic – the only time traveling I knew of was in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban😅. So this catches me off guard every single time.
So, my friends, winter is coming and it's time to get ready. Here are a few ways to do just that:
Research-backed ways
🌞Rise and Shine with Morning Light: Research suggests that exposing yourself to bright light in the morning can help reduce SAD symptoms by regulating your body's internal clock and improving your mood. This can be done by going outside or getting a daylight lamp for your desk.
🧘🏽♀️Dive into Mindfulness: Decades of research studies support the benefits of mindfulness practices (like meditation) in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. These practices can be particularly effective when dealing with SAD.
🫱🏽🫲🏼Seek Support When Needed: While not specific to SAD, seeking professional help for symptoms of depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder is highly recommended. Mental health professionals have a whole range of treatments and help people going through this every single year.
Progressive methods with a developing scientific base
🍵Embrace Green Tea: Some reports suggest that L-theanine, found in green tea, may have a calming effect and improve mood. While there's some initial research, more studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness for SAD.
🥘Add a Dash of Turmeric: Curcumin, a compound in turmeric, is believed to have mood-enhancing properties. Although there is some research on curcumin's benefits for depression, it's not yet a definitive treatment for SAD.
🚿Cold Showers for a Mood Boost: Surprisingly, some people find that cold showers energize them and boost their mood. However, this can vary from person to person, and scientific studies are limited. For me, cold showers in winter sound like my personal hell, no matter what productivity gurus recommend. So, I will not be trying this. But if you are a brave soul willing to take one for the team and give it a try, I’d love to hear if it works for you.
Now that we've fortified ourselves for the winter ahead (for those in the southern hemisphere, please enjoy the summer on our behalf), the next Flourish Kit will explore ways to truly embrace the coziness of the season. See you in about two weeks!
With light,
PS: Remember, addressing SAD can be a highly individual journey, and what works may differ from one person to another. If you find yourself struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs.
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